7 Functional movements for everyone
Daily exercise is a good idea for everyone but particularly important as we age for energy, strong bones and a better mood. Try these 7 at home or ask a ZGF trainer from our studio in Orlando, Florida to assist.
Functional Movement #1: Squat: Stand with feet hip width apart. Keep core tight, chest lifted, chin parallel to the floor, shift weight into your heels as hips lower down, push through heels to return to standing. 3 sets of 10 reps.
Functional Movement #2: Lunge: Stand with feet shoulder width apart step forward with one leg and slowly lower body until front thigh is parallel to floor. Press through heels and bring front foot back to start. 3 sets of 10 reps.
Functional Movement #3: Push Up: Start in plank position, hands wider than shoulder width, keep core tight, and head aligned with spine. Bend elbows lowering toward floor, press through hands using core to return to start. 3 sets of 10 reps.
Functional Movement #4: Row: Tie a resistance band around a banister. Hold both ends of band, palms facing, feet on the ground, chest up, then pull band straight back and squeeze shoulder blades. 3 sets of 10 reps.
Functional Movement #5: Wood Chop: Start feet hip width apart, squat. Inhale twist down to the left so hands are outside of left leg. Exhale lift arms diagonally across body pivot on foot end twisted to right, arms above head. 3 sets of 10 reps, each side.
Functional Movement #6: Roll Over: Lie on back in an X position, arms and legs wide. Roll over onto stomach without using legs or arms to push off. Lift one leg up across the body or move one arm across body until flipping over. 3 sets of 5 reps.
Functional Movement #7: Hop: Begin standing on left leg. Hold for 3-5 seconds to become steady, then hop (or step) to right leg. Get your balance on the right leg for 3-5 seconds and repeat. 3 sets of 10 reps.