“Am I Doing this right?”: Things to consider on your health and weight loss journey
Measuring your workout success isn't always about what you weigh on the scale. More
importantly are factors like: reducing stress, building muscle, losing inches, and quality of life. Here are a few recommendations to
get you on the right path:
Start with simple diet changes: Try intermittent fasting or low glycemic foods, which can have a positive impact on your overall health.
Add a consistent workout regimen: Be sure that in this routine, you incorporate a variety of exercise formats. Pilates is a great method of exercising that enhances full body toning, while strengthening your core. Adding Pilates into your weekly routine will help you shed those extra pounds, in tandem with weight training which works to change the shape of your body.
Make the basics a priority: Food, sleep and water are all important, not just for survival, but a better quality of living. Prioritizing sleep, whether that means incorporating a nap, or getting to be before 11 pm on a weekday, it is vital for your body to rest in order to succeed and be healthy. Water is just as important. Fill up those cups! A good rule of thumb is that if you have a tall tumbler cup, fill it three times daily; if you stick to water bottles, drink at least five a day; and, if it’s good old fashion cups, have at least eight every day before bed.
For more help, schedule a private session with one of our certified ZGF Trainers or instructors in Windermere. Florida. Stop by and visit if you’re ever in the Orlando area and looking to lose vacation weight. Call today!